How Do I Load Balance?
After successfully completing the registration process through our panel, click on the “Add Fund” icon from the left menu if you are logging in with a desktop computer, if you are logging in with a mobile click on the menu button on the top right, then click on the button that says “Add Fund”. From this page, you can pay with any payment method.
For Payment Issues Contact Us at Timings 10 AM-10 PM. Response Time 1-2 Hour
How To Place Order?
If you are logging in with a desktop computer, click on the "New Order" icon from the menu on the left, if you are logging in with a mobile computer, click the menu button on the top right, then click on the button that says "New Order". All services belonging to our panel can be found in the "Categories" section of the page that opens. Select the category you want to order from this menu. Then select the service you want to order from the "Service" menu. The price written in the service you have chosen is the price of 1000 Quantity. After making sure that you have read the "Service Description" section in detail, write the link type specified in the description where it says "Link". Then, enter quantity between the minimum and maximum quantity which can be seeen there. After completing these operations, click the "Place Order" button. Your order will be completed within the time specified in the description section.
How To Create A Support Request?
If you are logging in with a desktop computer, click on the "Help & Support" icon from the menu on the left, if you are logging in with a mobile computer, click on the menu button on the top right, then click on the button that says "Help & Support". On the page that opens, select the topic for which you want to create a support request. Then fill in the required fields and click the "Create Support Request" button.
How Can I check How My Orders Are Going?
If you are logging in with a desktop computer, click on the "Orders" icon from the menu on the left, if you are logging in with a mobile computer, click on the menu button on the top right, then click on the button that says "Orders"
Pending: The order is in checking, it will be approved or rejected by the server in a few moments.
Processing: The order is accepted, it will start shortly.
In Progress: The order is started, and it will be completed as soon as possible.
Partial: You got only a small % of the order, the other has been refunded.
Canceled: You put a bad link or there was a server problem, you have been refunded and the order didn't start.
Completed: The order is completed.